Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cultivate a Customer-Centric Culture in 4 StepsBetter Business ...

Group of a businesspeople standing together.To become a leading customer service provider, developing a customer-centric culture is essential for your business.?

According to research conducted by RightNow Technologies, 86 percent of people will pay more for a better customer experience. However, business leaders should know that customer service is more than just meeting customer expectations ? it should run deeper and align with your business goals.?

Here are four steps to creating a customer-focused culture for your business:?

1.?????? Make it part of management. The best way to start implementing a customer-centric culture is if it?s embraced and practiced by management. Business leaders must express the importance of customer service to those who will help set the wheels in motion. Whether it?s through the form of a memo or training, having management on the same page will help define how you want your business to run.

2.?????? Integrate into core values. ?Customer service is critical to business success and should align with your business? core values so employees can fully grasp its importance. Get it down on paper and illustrate the steps of how customer service can play a role in the factory, in the office or out on the field. Doing this will help build your brand and reputation for good customer service. ????

3.?????? Hire the right people. Hire individuals who believe in the value of customer service to help establish and foster the type of culture you want. You want employees who understand your business culture and are excited to work in that environment. For example, 73 percent of consumers want friendly employees or customer-service representatives.

4.?????? Reward employees. Give employees recognition for the good work they do to illustrate your appreciation. This should go beyond those in the ?customer service? department and touch on every line of business. Again, employees who are happy with their job are more willing to support your vision.

For quick tips on building a B2B customer service program, read this.


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