Saturday, April 6, 2013

President Obama learns the value of the military toolbox

President Obama learns the value of the military toolbox

Are recent events regarding North Korea demonstrating the importance of investing in expensive modern weapons systems?

?In light of sequestration and further defense cuts, the administration would do well to ponder how it would have reacted if those that had come before had not invested in the capabilities being used to protect us today. [?]

President Obama has the tools he now realizes he needs to defend the nation and its allies because presidents that came before him made sure they?d be there. He should do no less for presidents yet to come.?

-Mackenzie Eaglen

To me it seems unlikely that the current tension will escalate into a war. (But then again anything can happen.) One of the reasons is due to the large disparity of military strength that exists between the US and North Korea. Does this mean that future peace depends upon the investment in next generation weapons platforms?

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