Sunday, December 30, 2012

Going Green for a Longer Living Pet - Dog and Cat Vitamins

by Dr. Deva Khalsa on December 29, 2012

Adding a bit of green to your pet?s diet can do as much good for the planet as it can for your dog or cat.? Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables has many heath benefits; one important one being decreasing cancer risk.?? Cats often like cooked asparagus and cantaloupe melon while our easier to please canine friends love everything from a piece of apple to a broccoli stem. Deserving Pets VITAL VITIES has kale, broccoli, beets, carrots, concentrated alfalfa extract, pumpkin, dandelion, and apples.

Create a dog and cat friendly outdoor environment by using natural fertilizers and pest control.? In 2004, the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine linked bladder cancer in Scottish Terriers to exposure to lawn chemicals. Rain creates a mist of these chemicals lingering at just the height of our pets and many pets enjoy chewing on that occasional blade of grass.

?Green? toys accomplish the same goals as more traditional toys, but impact the environment less.?? Non-organic cotton uses more insecticides than any other single major crop.? Many companies now offer pet toys, collars and leashes made from organic cotton, hemp or recycled materials.? They may cost a bit more but you and your pets are caring for the planet.

Believe it or not, 8 billion pounds of cat litter wind up in landfills each year!? Consider litters made from recycled materials such as wood, pine, bark or natural flushable litters from corn and wheat.?? Your cats don?t need to ingest chemical laden scented litter particles as they clean their furry feet. Caring for the planet becomes a winning experience for everyone involved!


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